The Island of Misfit Toys- Day 333 (December 1st, 2021)

The story Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer tries to sell us is that the misfit toys have been abandoned or pushed to the edge of society. I instead like to see it as a collective choice was made. "We don't fit. So instead of trying to conform to shapes and functions that are expected by the powers that be, we'll celebrate our uniqueness alone from the world but together."

This is my second time attending my local trans forum and it offers something not easily found in the outside world: universal understanding that we don't fit among the cookie cutter, the factory made, the already deemed acceptable. And what this produces is a group of people focused on lifting each other up above all else, a group void of ego and competition, a group that celebrates the small steps and the gargantuan. This is true equality and it only seems to exist on our little island. 


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