4 Years Later: The questions I finally have the answers to
It's been a long while since I've updated this blog. After the first year, I guess I was more interested in living than trying to analyze it so I could blog about it. Why writing a post now makes sense is because so many of the questions I had then now have answers, such as:
Q: Did I ever grow the boobs I wanted? A: Nope, my inability to gain weight plus the wrong genetic seeds plus a wide sternum led to nothing more than moobs. Fortunately, I was able to get 400cc implants in June of 2023. I love them so... except my left lady has settled poorly and developed a stage 3 capsular contracture, which means it isn't as soft and pushes the nipple to one side, making it slightly uneven. Barring a full Trump ban (God help us all), I will be getting a revision on that one breast sometime in the future. Unfortunately the risks that run with having to get fun bags from a doctor instead of natural ones from HRT.
Q: Did my face feminize? A: Not nearly enough. The HRT softened certain aspects of my face but the overall result still looked princely, which is not what I was going for at all. I had two procedures of Facial Feminization Surgery in 2023. The first was for the upper portion of my face, which included a brow shave, a slight eyebrow lift, hairline lowering and a trach shave. The second surgery was for my chin and jaw, taking my strong mandibles and wide chin and trimming it all down to be much softer and more v like. I am very happy with the results. They aren't perfect because nothing is. But they are close enough for my taste.
Q: What about "you know what"? A: P is permanently in a cave haha I had bottom surgery on September 4th of 2024. As of writing this, I am two days north of 17 weeks post op. The dilation hell you've heard about in regard to dilating has not been nearly as bad as reddit warned me it would be. I am only about two months away from only having to dilate once a day. I am currently dilating twice a day. Immediately after surgery for the first two months, I had to do it three times daily. That was definitely the most time consuming. I now feel so much more complete. As my swelling continues to decrease, I am finally seeing a body that almost matches what I always imagined. I say almost, because there is a caveat simply built into the trans experience. It's as close to the natural womanhood I can reach, and I am so much more at peace.
Q: Where is my faith at through all of this? A: Despite people's best attempts to drive me away from Jesus, I continue to worship Him in rebellion to what they say. He is my Savior and I will claim Him for the rest of my days. I've stopped flip-flopping between acceptance and shame/guilt. I'm done being made to feel guilty for who I am. And where I am now is that of a much more secure person, firmly set in my beliefs, out to help who I can where I can.
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