The Day Shift Begins- Day 1 (January 1st, 2021)

This is the early hours of 2021. All that is between me and my first permanent steps to becoming Vaela is a night of sleep. I take my first dose of hrt tomorrow and elation doesn't begin to describe my feelings...

The pills have been in my system for a number of hours now. Obviously, there are no physical changes on day one. I would actually be worried if there were. As if one dose of estrogen and one dose of testosterone blockers are suddenly going to give me that womanly figure I've often imagined.

No. The change today is simply in knowing the process has started. The factory is up and running, the lights are on, and the new workers are taking their positions. A switch over, from night to day shift, if you will. It's been a very long night, a night that never seemed like it would end. And so many of the workers were tired and burnt out.

Today represents a total change. The night shift is done and new day workers have taken their place. These workers are fresh and spry, and light and excited. They care about the product and what they're working towards. The night shift had been phoning it in for years...

I don't know if my story will ultimately reflect other people's stories. And though I await my physical changes with great anticipation, I equally await the emotional and mental changes.

I will end this entry with a simple, excitable statement: Day shift has officially begun!


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