The Detachment- Day 254 (September 14th, 2021)
I have officially entered a new phase: the detachment. Today another step was taken. I went to work with my nails painted. I didn't bring attention to it. And neither did anyone else.
A second small, but not minuscule, step was walking with my kiddos around our block in girl mode today. Both of these acts require detachment. Detaching from care and letting yourself live above it, knowing that you will be on the receiving end of judgment and possible mockery, expecting it with every possible interraction.
What day will it be when "fag" is yelled from a passing car? It really doesn't matter because eventually it will happen, maybe not exactly as I envision, but some kind of similar offset. It will happen. And I'm as prepared for it as I can be because I am detached from it.
Will it still hurt to hear? Sure. But I've been on the receiving end of words like that many times in my past. It's now not so much taken as an insult as it's a stamp to wear proudly. A stamp that says, "I am different and still priceless in value".
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