The Role Biology Plays- Day 179 (June 28th, 2021)
Though in our society we are defined by our biological components, the role biology plays in trans people is a different thing entirely. It's what's supposed to define you to the public but the presentation is false advertising, like a product that was accidentally put in a different box. In this hypothetical example, the box shows a blue and green monster truck but the contents are actually a pink and white Barbie convertible. The box tells people what your contents should be despite them being nothing close to what's actually inside. This understanding of self is usually something a trans person knows by early childhood. They don't understand the complicated in-betweens that will come with their reality but they do understand that what people see is not who they are. As you grow older, though still as simple as the box metaphor says, the in-between becomes incredibly complicated. The biology of man and woman rarely intersects in similarity, so a trans person now has ...