Red Flags- Day 166 (June 15th, 2021)
I've been seeing a lot about this movement called deconstructing faith. For me immediately red flags start appearing. I guess my greatest fear when it comes to spiritual truth is it doesnt take much to fundamentally change the message entirely. For example, if you deconstruct the faith, you could easily and possibly inevitably find yourself having to redefine Jesus. And because His act of brutal sacrifice and atonement for our sins is ultimately a singular exchange, one that requires choice from us, suddenly we are left reeling with a tougher, stickier set of questions: can faith in other religions transfer? Isn't it closed minded to claim only this one belief leads to heaven? After all, isn't this the God Who made the stars and knows them by name, the God Who spoke everything we see into existence? If He is so large and expansive and eternal, why should we believe that one singular act of sacrifice, though unimaginably brutal, is the only way we will see heaven?
These aren't easy questions obviously and I'm sure they have been asked and answered by more knowledgeable minds than mine... But still, the idea of questioning all aspects of faith feels like it will end up leading away from the truth of solid foundation and out into the endless and unforgiving waves of unanswerable theological questions.
I am very careful not to approach my faith trying to rewrite anything. Instead, i'm looking for where I can still fit in the body. And in the same way I am looking at where the people in my community who have been pushed out in the past by judgmental members can find a new point of entrance. I'm not changing the message of the Good News to fit my trajectory but have now seen that the Good News reaches well into my new trajectory and far beyond it.
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