Calling on Simon of Cyrene- Day 149 (May 29th, 2021)
I wish we could remove the poorly conveyed attributes that surround certain classifications of people. The example I give is the LGBTQ. Because certain people have tied whatever description they want to someone from this group, there is an immediate stink that fills the air when talked about. And the very worst thing you could ever do is be someone that fits in this categorization. To most in the church, we might as well be lepers.
The scariest thing about life is seeing people who present as Godly but demonstrate this daily, syrupy sweet wickedness. How they treat us is poisonous, so we are left to either believe they are mistaken and don't know Who God truly is, or we have to consider the terrible idea that God only loves us if we are good enough...
I have been more and more turned off by modern day Christians (not true Christ lovers and followers, but the broad spectrum classification of "Christian") because it seems that this movement of elitism has taken over. People are less concerned about trying to reach every corner of the earth with the gospel because they have already handpicked who it pertains to. If Jesus were still here, He'd pick the wealthiest and most impressive in conduct, right? I mean Jesus was all about conduct. He held the Pharisees in high standings and was pleased with them--
No. That's not how it went. Presentation and outward appearance meant nothing to Him because He saw what was beneath. And often He said these "holy" people were full of rot, even calling them sons of hell, them having driven the broken and the lost away from ever being reached because they felt the message could never apply to those whose conduct didn't match their own.
I'm not going to argue the rightness or wrongness of things. I will never be able to make an absolute statement when it pertains to my life as a transwoman. Most will say it's plain wrong and goes against God's design. I suppose you could make this argument just as easily for any condition that someone is born with that goes against a perfect design. Any disease, both big or small. Things are far from perfect and all people are born with their own proclivities and flaws. For example, God's original design was man and woman. How much distortion of that is allowed or acceptable? If it inevitably affects those unfortunate enough to be born in the wrong body, is it unacceptable to try and fit? Or are some people meant to just toil and suffer?
Take up your cross and walk...
But even Jesus came to a point where He could no longer carry it on His own. To complete His walk, Simon was called on. Why should we, a fallible creation, feel shame when we admit we can't do it anymore? Is it wrong to call on Simon, even though in my case Simon is Vaela? Ironically, If I had been born as her, I'd probably have a stronger sense of being. And I hope that my Lord will still love me even as I let her take hold of this cross; it's really the only way I can see me making it to an older age.
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