I Don't Fit the Mold- Day 10 (January 10th, 2021)
Normalizing what once was only for my V sessions, today was something that felt both familiar and still new. We worked on cleaning the house, switching the cat box placement with Christmas storage. Before that I put on some makeup this morning, put on my new jean skirt, and then did some dirty jobs. Becoming a woman isn't about just the glitz and glam. Though that's a fun perk, I'm finding little joys in even the most monotonous things. Simply being me, regardless of the situation, is rewarding. Whether I'm strutting my stuff in a cute outfit or cleaning out the shop vac as a moldy filter falls apart in my hands. Both meet me at the same place, because at the end of the day, I am doing everything as my true self.
It's not so much about being a normal woman either. I guarantee, even as I change to fit my inside, Vaela will be far from normal. I'm eccentric through and through. A transgender woman who loves my Lord, loves my beautiful family, can be quite passionate about sports, loves to watch and collects movies and TV shows. My humor is part pun, part movie/TV reference. I look at the world in different ways from many, from my faith to my feelings on where we stand as a society. I don't fit the mold. Not as a man. And certainly not as a woman.
I can't speak for others on this topic. But for me, becoming a woman is about embracing all of it and experiencing my more fundamental gender as closely as I can. That includes those glam moments and the more bland ones. I look forward to both.
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