The Product of Sharing Trauma- Day 24 (January 24th, 2021)
Families who experience trauma together don't seem to really stay a typical family. Though we share this deep similarity, it also seems it's the only similarity we have left, and it always keeps us stuck in that past.
Once all the dust of trauma settles and you're left with the post-period, it now feels like you did nothing but survive together. You aren't really friends. You aren't really close in any vital way. When you visit each other, you mostly think about the pain you went through and the long loneliness you shared, not together exactly, but only in the same house.
My decision to transition has been mostly met with support. I know my siblings are still reeling from trying to wrap their heads around the reality of it, but I also know it isn't the reason for the distance between us. The distance is there now and it's been there a long time. Unfortunately, it seems to be the product of sharing trauma and probably won't improve anytime soon.
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